Ad's that keep the site going.

Be good in the chat, i do kick people who are not good.

For anyone reading this the chat room and site is still new, people will not be on all day every day but if you stay on long enough you will see others, please hang in there until more people know about the site. Thank you. Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
For anyone reading this the chat room and site is still new, people will not be on all day every day but if you stay on long enough you will see others, please hang in there until more people know about the site. Thank you.

Most recommended video of mine.

Monday, April 19, 2010

9th challenge

my 9th challenge was from a player with a slightly higher k/d ratio then me, and ive seen him play and he is good, tactics seemed to be the only difference.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't call noobtubing a tactic lol. That's why they don't allow noobtubing in Major League Gaming, no offense Clay.
