Ad's that keep the site going.

Be good in the chat, i do kick people who are not good.

For anyone reading this the chat room and site is still new, people will not be on all day every day but if you stay on long enough you will see others, please hang in there until more people know about the site. Thank you. Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
For anyone reading this the chat room and site is still new, people will not be on all day every day but if you stay on long enough you will see others, please hang in there until more people know about the site. Thank you.

Most recommended video of mine.

Friday, April 30, 2010

14th Challenge

It was the closest match ive had, personally i dont like scrapyard but this was a close match, better luck next time.

13th Challenge

My 13th challenge chose me to use default weapons on minuscule health it was a good match we were playing first to 60 kills and we had a spectator in a party chat with us so i knew if there was any cheating going on, after 35 kills me and 14 kills him i was kicked from the party and the spectator joined the game. The challenge was over due to interference from an unwanted player and suspicion of attempting to cheat.
Final score before interference 36 kills me, 14 kills him
His Gamertag: nfceast3008

Thursday, April 29, 2010

12th Challenge

We were playing first to 60 kills on rust with killstreaks off, after the match started i got a complaint on heartbeat, then after him using grenade launchers for a few kill i decided to use them and then there was a complaint because i was using them with danger close, after the score was 16 kills me 10 kills him, he just gave up and started shooting randomly, after the score was 30 kills me 11 kills him he left with a complaint on heartbeat and danger close. My challenge rules say you can make me use default classes or i can chose my own, they do not say that we cant use heartbeat or danger close and this was all warned before the match and during our practice match that a picture was not taken of (it was 12 kills me 5 kills him) so there was no surprise about how we could play.

Warning to players, dont play me and assume that some perks and attachments wont be used, its a custom class that can be made with any perk, any attachment and any weapon.

His Gamertag: SwAmPxPaNdA

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

11th Challenge

It was a rematch of my 10th because of the lag out, ever time he lagged he told me and i just stood there until he didn't. I think someone on his connection was doing some massive downloading or video streaming because i was the only one on my internet and we only sometimes had the issue.

10th challenge

i was level 8 so i really didnt have much unlocked, and he was level 21 so he had barely more then me, and for some unknown reason he lagged out of the match but up until that point there was no lag
challenger gamertag: Andrewcrk2

Monday, April 19, 2010

9th challenge

my 9th challenge was from a player with a slightly higher k/d ratio then me, and ive seen him play and he is good, tactics seemed to be the only difference.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

8th Challenge

in need of NEW challengers this challenger was "Astrodeath5781"

7th challenge

in need of NEW challengers

Friday, April 16, 2010

6th challenge

my 6th challenge.

5th challenge

There was a connection error even though we both had full connection
My opponent was, gamertag "Astrodeath5781"

4th Challenge

My 4th challenger so far lead the match for his first 6 kills, here is the final score of the match.

Third Challenge

My 3rd challengers gamertag is "Astrodeath5781" he left the match before the end, i had 2 predator missiles, 3 uav's a stealth bomber, and 2 sentry guns when my challenger left. 3 care packages gave me 2 sentry guns and the stealth bomber. His score before leaving was 5-16

Second Challenge

Same challenger as my first, this seemed to be a riot shield vs knife match.

My first challange

The challenger picked me using default classes only, 20 min match at highrise, and normal gameplay with killstreaks.